Graphic Props: Western Set

graphic design for filmmaking & graduation project (BA)

My bachelor project is about analysing, planning and developing graphic design for movies from different genres such as science fiction, fantasy and western. Three screenplays that have not been made into films yet formed the source for designing different props. The project’s outcome are three genre specific movie sets which contain and present how graphic design products contribute to their own genre specific movie aesthetics.

I threw light on a satirical interpretation of the classic western story and created a funny, sarcastic and over the top scene with the aid of rather atypical props for a western movie, such as a tourist information point sign, an eye test and advertisements for a fitness club and a lady colt. With the help of the props the audience get to know the specific tone of the satirical situation.

Movie set for the screenplay “The fastest Guns in the West” written by Graeme Beresford. Genre: Western

Graphic Props: Fantasy Set

graphic design for filmmaking & graduation project (BA)

For this set and it’s theme the props and lightning of the scene needed to create an enchanted atmosphere. The task was to place fantastic, magical props within a realistic nowadays environment with the help of little details. For example the extraordinary Rubik’s Cube, which reveals the secret of a good magic trick when it’s solved. The props let the audience experience the mystical, naive melancholy of the scene. Elements of the fantasy genre have been adapted to a 21st century story.

Movie set for the screenplay “Magic” written by Jonathan Prospecto. Genre: Fantasy

Graphic Props: Science Fiction Set

graphic design for filmmaking & graduation project (BA)

The script of 1=2 tells the story about the power of illusion and its emotional consequences. The corporate identity of a company which sells illusional spouses is set in between visual fiction and reality. The appearance is very sleek and sterile to provoke some scepticism towards the company. The plain surfaces of the business cards and the hip flask are reflecting the distorted mirror images of their future clients. The interpretation of the futuristic, fast paced time in 1=2 is represented through the clean and disrupted elements. The product shots were taken in a photo studio while the scene shot was taken on location.

Movie Set for the screenplay “1=2” written by Tyler Washburn. Genre: Science Fiction